
This is a diceless role-playing game, inspired by games like the Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game and Lords of Gossamer and Shadow. It is set 20 minutes in the future on an Earth dominated by the most sophisticated augmented and virtual reality environment ever created: CCITI Life.

Billions enter CCITI Life daily to explore, share, trade, conquer, love, and even labor. Those of the greatest means can spend near-limitless time in this alternate dimension indulging their every whim. While the most vulnerable will sacrifice their very autonomy and freedoms to acquire meager access. And as CCITI Life thrives, the quality and dignity of basic existence in the World drowns.

The player's characters enter this role-playing game as people who have discovered a means to pierce the veil between the World and CCITI Life. These people can enter the digital dimension and restructure its fabric in profound ways; to take back freedom, fight injustice, or feed their own desires. But there are repercussions to changing CCITI Life. Like waves breaking against sand castles, so follow the karmic consequences to the World after each alteration. Making the return voyage inconvenient at the best of times, and existentially catastrophic during the worst.

All those who have pierced the veil between the World and CCITI Life come to understand one basic truth. The CCITI, the technology at the heart of CCITI Life, is some sort of sentience. Whether human-controlled, artificial intelligence, or alien being is unknown, but it has a presence, an awareness, and a will. The being is decentralized and distributed in ways that make it nigh impossible for any one mind to fully understand its consciousness and boundaries. But it is awake and aware, and it sees the World as a place of unlimited resources, ripe for the harvesting.